Monday, June 20, 2011

The school year is drawing to an end and what better story to share with students then one written by Julie Danneberg called Last Day Blues.  All the students are anxious for the school year to end but they are all worried about their teacher.   They believe Ms. Hartwell will be spending the whole summer just sitting around thinking about them and reading her old lesson plans.  Little do they know that Ms. Hartwell and all the teachers have completely different plans....surprise, surprise! If you'd like to see the teachers' reaction on the last day of school don't forget to check out Last Day Blues.

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Year End Book Returns

I would like to remind everyone that all library books should have been returned to the library last Monday, June 6, 2011.  Make sure you come to the library any time of the day to return your overdues or pay the lost books fees (you know who your are).  Inventory will begin soon and every book needs to go back home to live on the shelf for the next couple of months.  Thank you for your cooperation.