Monday, December 12, 2011

Making a Snowman

Winter is almost here and class K-4 had a great time talking about some of their favorite things to do when it snows.  They talked about having snowball fights, making snow angels and building snowmen.  I read All you Need for a Snowman by Alice Schertle and then the students showed me they know how to follow directions.  They were able to complete a "Making a Snowman" worksheet in which they had to listen to my directions as I requested that they draw different items on 3 different snowmen.   All of their snowmen pictures were hung up on the bulletin board so everyone could see how well they can follow directions.  Afterward, they had the chance to use the Smartboard to create a virtual snowman at the Build a Snowman website. Click Here and give it a try.

Holiday Celebrations

Class 1-3 has been learning about different cultures and the traditions they follow when they celebrate specific holidays.  Ms. Isaacs has taught her class about Christmas and Hannukah and today they learned about Kwanzaa in the library. They listened to a uniquely written book called Celebrate Kwanzaa with Boots and her Kittens by Alma Flor AdaIn this story there is an African American family all set to celebrate Kwanzaa when they realize their cat is missing. Throughout this fictional story we are taught about the 7 principles of Kwanzaa in an entertaining way.  At the very end of the book there is an informative section about Kwanzaa as well.  After reading the story the students compared the different holidays. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Online Posters

Animal Characteristics as described by Class 4-2 on Glogster.EDU