Do you know how to find our biographies? It's really simple. This week a few 4th and 5th grade classes came into the library and browsed through several biographies. In groups they discussed what all of the biographies have in common. Naturally, they explained that biographies are books written about important figures in the past and/or present. They identified the table of contents and some students even found timelines in the biographies. All of these features can help anyone research important figures, but just as important is knowing where biographies can be found in the library.
Students learned that the call number on the spine labels of our biography books all start with the capital B. It is then followed by the last name of the person the biography is about. Since our books are in alphabetical order on the shelves it should be really easy to find what you are looking for. All of our biographies are shelved together, just look for the BIOGRAPHIES sign.
If you are interested in seeing what we have on our catalog just click on the OPAC link above and click on Resource List under the Catalog tab.