Thursday, April 14, 2011

Earth Day Project Part 2

The 2nd graders Earth Day Projects are complete and on Friday I will be taking their messages to the corner grocery store. Their "Save the Earth" messages are clearly decorated on each grocery bag and students are excited about their impact. Here is a sampling of what they have done.

Arianna 2-4

Maegan 2-4
Bryan 2-4
Class 2-3 and 2-4

Class 2-3 and 2-4

Class 2-3 and 2-4


  1. What a great and fun way to show students they can help spread the message. Love their pictures.

  2. It's inspiring to see our children take an active role in taking care of our earth.
    Ms. Laluz you have empowered our children by showing them that individually they have the power to make a BIG difference!

  3. I love this idea of sharing the students' work with the community. It goes a long way to show how we care about our environment.

  4. Ms. LaLuz, This was a great way to get our students involved in our community. The students felt so proud to make a diffrence!! Great job!! Ms. Werner
