Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Every Culture

The third grade classes are at it again. They are working hard at their Third Grade Research projects. This time they are studying the most beautiful cities and places in Europe.  Ms. Sosa's class 3-1 successfully found the books they needed in the 900 section and barely left any books for the other classes.  This is obviously a good thing for them, but not so good for the other classes.  But, No Fear.......

We are a Library Media Center!

When Ms. Tomao's class 3-4 visited the last couple of times each student had their own laptop to conduct their research. How great is that?!!! After searching through Ms. Tomao's recommended site at Every Culture I believe they are well on their way to completing their projects. I am anxious to see the final projects displayed on the third floor!

1 comment:

  1. What a exciting way to explore the world around us! What a great project!!
