Monday, November 28, 2011

Anansi Completed Projects

Class 3-1 have finally completed their work on Anansi the Spider.  They all did a great job working in groups to complete their projects and today we had the opportunity to watch the 3-1 Anansi Theatre Group perform their own remake of Anansi and the Seven Yam Hills by Elizabeth Lane. As you will see in the video, their version is called Anansi and the Six Potatoes and Anansi is up to his old mean tricks.

Class 3-1 is full of students who are anxious to learn everyday.  This ELL class spend a couple of weeks in the library listening to Anansi stories and sharing what they learned about Anansi tales.  This particular group performed their own remake of an Anansi tale in which Anansi tricks all the animals...until he meets Ms. Nancy the goose.

1 comment:

  1. I think this video is funny and interesting because when they got to the sixth potato they went into the water and it was funny.
