Friday, April 29, 2011

Being Bullied is Not Cool, Not Even if You're an Ant

"To squish or not to squish?  That is the question students are left with at the end of Hey, Little Ant by Phillip and Hannah Hoose. 

Should the ant get squished?  Should the ant go free?
It’s up to the kid, not up to me.
They left that kid with a raised-up shoe. 
What do you think the kid should do?
Excerpt from the book

Discussions about being tolerant of all living things no matter how different they are was a natural follow up after reading this story.  Just the thought of the "kid" stepping on the poor little ant made students gasp and say "Awwww, that's mean!" We talked about being compassionate and treating all living things with respect.    

We also discussed how important it is to make decisions for yourself no matter how small they may seem.  In the story the kid's friends try to convince him to "squish" the ant, but our students know this is wrong.  Before they left the library each student had the opportunity to decide on the ending of this picture book.  Not surprisingly, they all chose "not to squish!"

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Dreaded Overdues

Choosing your favorite book from the library is pretty easy. Letting it go after 2 weeks....much more difficult! Here is what happens sometimes

Ms. LaLuz: I noticed your book was due last month but you haven't returned it. What happened?
Student: I left it home.
Ms. LaLuz: But the due date says it was supposed to be back in the library by March 23rd.  Remember your pinky promise.
Student: I know, but can't I keep it? I looooove  Babymouse.
Ms. LaLuz: Well, just remember that as much as you love that book there is always another friend dying to read BabyMouse too.

Don't Forget to Return Your Overdue Books

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day

If you are having trouble seeing the video just click here

Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Break Library Connection

Our Library Media Center will not be open during Spring Break, April 18, 2011 through April 26, 2011.  However, you can still get to your favorite links of resources during the break if you need information for any projects.  Just go to our Library Website, our OPAC or our Library Portaportal and the information you've used in the library will be there.  

You can also visit our neighborhood public library. Click on the picture below to get information about any Brooklyn Public Library. 

Select the Dekalb Library Branch under Branch Information on the top right

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Earth Day Project Part 2

The 2nd graders Earth Day Projects are complete and on Friday I will be taking their messages to the corner grocery store. Their "Save the Earth" messages are clearly decorated on each grocery bag and students are excited about their impact. Here is a sampling of what they have done.

Arianna 2-4

Maegan 2-4
Bryan 2-4
Class 2-3 and 2-4

Class 2-3 and 2-4

Class 2-3 and 2-4

Monday, April 11, 2011

Over in the Garden

Every garden has it's critters, some are beautiful and some are creepy. In the picture book Over in the Garden by Jennifer Ward, students were able to to see the most colorful mommy critters wandering in the garden with their babies.  Following the familiar tune of "Over in the Meadow" students met ten different types of insects and not only counted each one but also had to search for the hidden number on each of the 2 page spreads.  Were the first graders interested?  You bet! A little reading, a little math, a little singing and finally their own descriptions and illustrations of their favorite garden insect...What more can you ask for from a picture book.

The President Lives There

You guessed it....the White House! Ms. Isaacs' Class 1-3 is learning so much more about the White House. They started off by going on a virtual tour of the White House through the White House Historical Association's website. With each view of the different rooms they learned a little bit about the origins of the uniquely named rooms. Students are currently working in groups while they browse through non-fiction books, illustrate some of the rooms, and read through grade appropriate notes about the White House. All of their hard work will result in the creation of a non-fiction class book about the White House and a video clip of their class poem. We have started to document the process and will present it at the class celebration. Be on the lookout for a slideshow right here in our Library blog as soon as Class 1-3 finalizes their project. In the meantime here is a little trivia question:

When Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in January 1, 1863 what room was he in?

Researching and writing
Illustrating the Oval Office

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Earth Day Project

Earth Day will be celebrated on April 22, 2011. Unfortunately, we will be out of school for our Spring Break. That doesn't mean we can't do something special on the 22th. Through the Earth Day Groceries Project some of our students will help spread the word about the importance of taking care of our Earth. This project is sponsored by a non-profit organization that is trying to promote environmental awareness across schools nationwide. It proposes that we help empower our students to spread the word about the importance of taking care of our Earth. All we need is a paper bag for each participating student and a neighborhood grocery store willing to help spread the student's messages.

Today I started working with Ms. Morodokhin's Class 2-3 on the Earth Day Groceries Project. After discussing some of the ways we can help conserve energy, conserve water, reduce trash, and/or reduce pollution everyone had the opportunity to look through some books on these topics. Students have begun writing messages on small grocery bags and decorating them with Earth Day images. Once all the bags are decorated I will take them to the nearest corner store. The clerk will then fill these bags with customers groceries on April 22th. Alas, their Earth Day messages will be traveling home with our neighbors.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Every Culture

The third grade classes are at it again. They are working hard at their Third Grade Research projects. This time they are studying the most beautiful cities and places in Europe.  Ms. Sosa's class 3-1 successfully found the books they needed in the 900 section and barely left any books for the other classes.  This is obviously a good thing for them, but not so good for the other classes.  But, No Fear.......

We are a Library Media Center!

When Ms. Tomao's class 3-4 visited the last couple of times each student had their own laptop to conduct their research. How great is that?!!! After searching through Ms. Tomao's recommended site at Every Culture I believe they are well on their way to completing their projects. I am anxious to see the final projects displayed on the third floor!